KEITH MICHAEL is a self-styled urban naturalist, avid birder, photographer, and a dedicated explorer of New York City's five boroughs. Watching birds drives his focus, but the breadth of NYC history, and the wealth of vistas, trees, wildflowers, grasses, mushrooms, butterflies, dragonflies, as well as scaled, slithery and furred fauna that can be observed within the city is truly remarkable. Mr. Michael has published four books of writing and photographs: Let’s Go Out!: A Birder's Year in the West Village (2015); Take Me to the River (2014); Once Around the Block (2013), and 1000 Days: World Trade Center Rising (2013); leads New York City WILD! nature walking tours, co-leads Hudson River Park WILD! walks, and is a monthly contributor to WestView News: The Voice of the West Village.
When not adventuring in the city and taking photographs, Mr. Michael is a ballet choreographer, having created The Alice-in-Wonderland Follies, Mother GOOSE! and The Nutcracker for New York Theatre Ballet, and is the Dance Production Coordinator at The Juilliard School. For more information about walks, books or photographs visit www.keithmichaelnyc.com

Millie is, well, Millie.
To View my flickr Photostream Click on this Link
Follow New York City WILD! on Instagram @newyorkcitywild
Recent Highlights
Museum of the City of New York www.mcny.org
Rising Waters 2.0
October 13, 2013 through April 6, 2014
Photographs from Superstorm Sandy

The Empire State Building from the West Village during the Superstorm Sandy Blackout. October 30, 2012
Left Bank Restaurant www.leftbanknewyork.com
Lights Out for Sandy Festival
October 30-November 2, 2013
Photographs from Superstorm Sandy by Maggie Berkvist and Keith Michael

Hudson River Park, West Village. October 29, 2012, 9:00 am
BirdWatching Magazine www.BirdWatchingDaily.com
yourview Birding experiences and photographs submitted by readers
December 2013 Issue

SPARKLE: A massive flock of Greater Scaup gathers on Dead Horse Bay in Brooklyn, New York. March 3, 2013
Left Bank Restaurant www.leftbanknewyork.com
Birds of New York City
December 2013-June 2014
A Dozen Photographs

One and Only, Gadwall Hen in Hudson River Park, West Village, NY. June 1, 2012
Left Bank Restaurant www.leftbanknewyork.com
Birds of New York City/Silent Auction
25% of proceeds will benefit Friends of Hudson River Park
June 6-21, 2014
32 Photographs/View at https://www.flickr.com/photos/keithmichaelnyc/sets/72157644695503870/

Sparkle, Greater Scaup, Dead Horse Bay, Brooklyn, March 3, 2013
Left Bank Restaurant www.leftbanknewyork.com
Birds of New York City
June 2014
A Dozen Photographs/New Exhibit

Gotcha!, Red-tailed Hawk in Hudson River Park, West Village, NY. July 8, 2013